Membuat laporan dalam format Ms Excel
Ada banyak cara untuk membuat laporan di visual basic, tiga diantaranya :
- Data Report
- Active Report
- Crystal Report
Alternatif lain adalah dengan memanfaatkan program Ms Excel, untuk contoh disini saya akan menampilkan data siswa (no, nis, nama, nilai). Untuk menyederhanakan program saya akan menyimpan datanya di variabel array.
Copy paste kode berikut di modul :
Option Explicit
Public Const xlSolid As Long = 1
Public Const xlContinuous As Long = 1
Public Const xlCenter As Long = -4108
Public Const xlBottom As Long = -4107
Public Const xlRight As Long = -4152
Public Const xlLeft As Long = -4131
Public Const xlTop As Long = -4160
Public Enum EFormatType
General = 1
Number = 2
Money = 3
Accounting = 4
Percentage = 5
Scientific = 6
Text = 7
ShortDate = 8
LongDate = 9
ShortTime = 10
LongTime = 11
NumberWithoutDecimal = 12
End Enum
Private Function GetFormatType(ByVal v_bytFormatType As EFormatType) As String
On Error Resume Next
'Add the left header
Select Case v_bytFormatType
Case General: GetFormatType = "General" 'Format as general
Case Number: GetFormatType = "0.00" 'Format as number
Case NumberWithoutDecimal: GetFormatType = "0"
Case Money: GetFormatType = "#,##0" 'Format as currency
Case Accounting: GetFormatType = "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)" 'Format as accounting
Case ShortDate: GetFormatType = "dd/mm/yy" 'Format as short date
Case LongDate: GetFormatType = "dd mmm yyyy" 'Format as long date
Case ShortTime: GetFormatType = "h:mm" 'Format as short time
Case ShortTime: GetFormatType = "h:mm:ss AM/PM" 'Format as long time
Case Percentage: GetFormatType = "0.00%" 'Format as percentage
Case Scientific: GetFormatType = "0.00E+00" 'Format as scientific
Case Text: GetFormatType = "@" 'Format as text
Case Else: GetFormatType = "General" 'Default to general
End Select
End Function
Public Sub formatCell(ByVal objWSheet As Object, _
ByVal baris1 As Long, ByVal kolom1 As Integer, _
ByVal baris2 As Long, ByVal kolom2 As Integer, _
ByVal fontBold As Boolean, ByVal fontSize As Integer, _
ByVal mergeCell As Boolean, _
ByVal HorizontalAlgn As Long, ByVal VerticalAlgn As Long, _
Optional ByVal setColorHeader As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal setBorder As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal setColumnType As EFormatType = Text)
On Error GoTo errHandle
With objWSheet
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).Font.Bold = fontBold
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).Font.Size = fontSize
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).MergeCells = mergeCell
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).cells.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlgn
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).cells.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlgn
If setColorHeader = True Then
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
End If
If setBorder = True Then .Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Range(.cells(baris1, kolom1), .cells(baris2, kolom2)).NumberFormat = GetFormatType(setColumnType)
End With
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Function convertColRowToAreaRef(ByVal objWSheet As Object, ByVal columnFrom As Long, ByVal rowFrom As Long, ByVal columnTo As Long, ByVal rowTo As Long) As String
Dim tmp As String
With objWSheet
tmp = .Range(.Cells(rowFrom, columnFrom), .Cells(rowTo, columnTo)).Address
End With
tmp = Replace(tmp, "$", "")
convertColRowToAreaRef = tmp
End Function
sedangkan untuk form kodenya seperti berikut :
Private Sub cmdLapDataSiswaToXLS_Click()
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objWBook As Object
Dim objWSheet As Object
Dim areaRef As String
Dim nis(5) As String
Dim nama(5) As String
Dim nilai(5) As Integer
Dim startRow As Long
Dim kolom As Long
Dim initRow As Long
Dim i As Long
nis(0) = "9941224167": nama(0) = "Abdul Fatahurrahman": nilai(0) = 75
nis(1) = "9928712140": nama(1) = "Desy Efriani": nilai(1) = 60
nis(2) = "9930340568": nama(2) = "Durotun Nafisah": nilai(2) = 70
nis(3) = "9941224212": nama(3) = "Bayu Pranoto": nilai(3) = 85
nis(4) = "9941224276": nama(4) = "Hofiruh Sotul'aini": nilai(4) = 95
nis(5) = "9928712137": nama(5) = "Indra Gunawan": nilai(5) = 100
'Create the Excel object
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application") 'bikin object
'Create the workbook
Set objWBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set objWSheet = objWBook.Worksheets(1)
With objWSheet
Call formatCell(objWSheet, 1, 1, 1, 4, True, 10, True, xlCenter, xlCenter)
.cells(1, 1) = "DAFTAR NILAI SISWA"
initRow = 3
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow, 1, initRow, 4, True, 8, False, xlCenter, xlCenter, True, True)
kolom = 1
.cells(initRow, kolom) = "No."
.Columns(kolom).ColumnWidth = 3.86
kolom = 2
.cells(initRow, kolom) = "N I S"
.Columns(kolom).ColumnWidth = 12.86
kolom = 3
.cells(initRow, kolom) = "Nama"
.Columns(kolom).ColumnWidth = 25.86
kolom = 4
.cells(initRow, kolom) = "Nilai"
.Columns(kolom).ColumnWidth = 6.86
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow + 1, 1, initRow + UBound(nis) + 1, 1, False, 8, False, xlCenter, xlCenter, False, True, General) 'NO
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow + 1, 2, initRow + UBound(nis) + 1, 3, False, 8, False, xlLeft, xlCenter, False, True) 'NIS DAN NAMA
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow + 1, 4, initRow + UBound(nis) + 1, 4, False, 8, False, xlRight, xlCenter, False, True, General) 'NILAI
For i = LBound(nis) To UBound(nis)
If startRow = 0 Then startRow = initRow + i + 1
.cells(initRow + i + 1, 1) = (i + 1)
.cells(initRow + i + 1, 2) = nis(i)
.cells(initRow + i + 1, 3) = nama(i)
.cells(initRow + i + 1, 4) = nilai(i)
Next i
areaRef = convertColRowToAreaRef(objWSheet, 4, startRow, 4, initRow + i)
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow + i + 1, 3, initRow + i + 2, 3, False, 8, False, xlRight, xlCenter, True, True) 'Jumlah dan rata-rata
.cells(initRow + i + 1, 3) = "Jumlah"
.cells(initRow + i + 2, 3) = "Rata-rata"
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow + i + 1, 4, initRow + i + 1, 4, False, 8, False, xlRight, xlCenter, True, True, General) 'Jumlah
.cells(initRow + i + 1, 4) = "=SUM(" & areaRef & ")"
Call formatCell(objWSheet, initRow + i + 2, 4, initRow + i + 2, 4, False, 8, False, xlRight, xlCenter, True, True, Number) 'Rata-rata
.cells(initRow + i + 2, 4) = "=AVERAGE(" & areaRef & ")"
End With
objExcel.Visible = True
If Not objWSheet Is Nothing Then Set objWSheet = Nothing
If Not objWBook Is Nothing Then Set objWBook = Nothing
If Not objExcel Is Nothing Then Set objExcel = Nothing
End Sub
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